
Bake shape keys

The operator Bake shape keys will bake the deformation of all Faceit expressions into individual shape keys.
Next to the deformation from the FaceitRig Armature and Corrective shape keys, the bake operator does allow a range of deformation sources, including non-generative modifiers, shape keys, other Armatures and transformations.

Non-destructively bake all expressions to shape keys.

Bake Modifiers

You can activate all deform modifiers in the stack of your registered objects for baking. All active bake modifiers will be baked to the final shape keys.

Activate all modifiers that contribute to the relevant deformation.

Non-Destructive (Back To Rigging)

The Bake operator is completely non-destructive. You can bake the expressions into shape keys test them in motion and return to editing expressions or rig by the click of a button.
--> Back To Rigging

You can generate a test action to see the shape keys on all objects. You can still use the expression list.

Back to Rigging

The Bake process is non-destructive, which means that if you are unhappy with your resulting shape keys, you can still return to rigging or edit the expressions by the press of a button.

The Back to Rigging operator will restore the FaceitRig, the Bind Weights, the Expressions and the Corrective shape keys!

Quickly and non-destructively iterate between baked shape keys and rigging/animating the expressions.


Going back will remove the generated shape keys and clean the ARKit Shapes list. You can quickly regenerate them by baking again.